"INPUT IMPEDANCE, LOSSLESS COAXIAL CABLE, LOAD IMPEDANCE. Input resistance RIN (in Ohms) and reactance XIN (in Ohms) looking into coaxial cable of length LENGTH (in cm) and D1 (in wavelengths), velocity factor VF, characteristic resistance Z0 (in Ohms), and terminated in a load inductance LLOAD (in uHenries) or capacitance CLOAD (in pFarads) in series with a resistance RLOAD (in ohms) at frequency F0 (in megaHertz). ■ ________________ |--- length ---------| | ---|--- ____________________ | │xload│ o-----(____________________(---| ---|--- Rin coax, char. imp. Z0 \ / rload Xin o---------------------------------------------| ■ '' Type (F2) to return to application file."